Group Travel

Do away with endless scrolling to find low resolution images buried in group messages. Upgrade your trips’ image sharing to SnapSpaces for a seamless experience that enables your travelers to easily and safely share full resolution photo & video memories with others on the trip or back home.

Key Features:

  • White-labeling options
  • Unlimited photo an video uploads per-participant
  • Full Res Photo & Video
  • Duplicate Upload Prevention
  • Customizable & Sharable Gallery
  • Filter Gallery by Uploader
  • Image Quality Ratings
  • Multi-day collection windows
  • Multi-month storage
  • Expanded Moderation Tools

Suggested Tiers: Basic - Premium (features vary by tier)

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6 Key Features for Group Travel

SnapSpaces enhances organized group travel by making it easy for people to compile an album of shared experiences, in a safe way that doesn’t requiring sharing all your personal contact info with other trip attendees.

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